TDISport Adveritsing Opportunities
TDISport would like to offer you the opportunity to advertise and support the site in ways that would be beneficial for your company and for the club/site.
Our aim is to build long term partnerships that will provide financial security and stability for TDISport and for us to give you access in the long term to thousands of potential customers.
Our club was established in August of 2004 and since has become more popular among enthusiasts of all ages, over the duration the site is improved and tailored to suit the needs of the visitors/members.
There are numerous ways in which you can receive exposure and advertise on the site, these are as follows:
1. A banner placed on the site or forum forming a direct link to your company.
2. A company information page.
3. A section on the forum.
Any company that advertises on the site will receive support from the team that run the site on a volunteer basis.
Because we are aware that companies have different budgets and different needs, all costing will be negotiated on an individual basis and tailored to suit your needs so that it will be beneficial for both your company and for TDISport.
If you have any queries or are interested in advertising or sponsoring TDISport, please contact us on the following address :
Aaron Bromley
Club Chairman