GTI International 2013 – Shakespeare County Raceway
The next edition of GTI International (2013) is due to be held at the Shakespeare County Raceway. The decision to change venue is due to the terrible accident at last years show at the Bruntingthorpe Proving ground, during one of the 1/4 mile runs a SEAT Leon lost control and drove into the crowd, needless to say injuring people. Thankfully there were no lives lost. Shakespeare County raceway are well known for having their own...
TDISport win the best club stand award at GTI International 2011
The TDISport are proud to announce that they have re-claimed the GTI International best club stand award for 2011. Despite a poor start to the show on the Saturday with a very limited turnout and terrible weather the show improved drastically for the Sunday, the sun was shining and the TDISport members were out in force (Even those who got married just the day before!). The club displayed the same stand that narrowly missed out to the...
Best Show Stand at GTI International 2009 goes to the TDISport car club
TDISport are very proud to announce that the 2009 Best club stand at GTI International 2009 has been given to the diesel car club, The prize was presented to Aaron and some of the members at the information tent. The cheque of £100 will be put straight back into improving the clubs future shows, TDISport would like to thank all who attended and helped out over the weekend. Without the members it would not have been possible....