Disruptive Technologies for Commercial Vehicles

Technology is progressing at an astonishing rate and developments we might have thought of as space age are rapidly becoming the norm. These technologies, termed ‘disruptive’ because they influence the market and force business owners to adapt, are transforming the motor vehicle industry.

The industry is adapting rapidly for consumers in a number of ways. For example, the anti-diesel measures have driven down diesel vehicle costs as they become less desirable. What changes are we seeing in the commercial sector, however?

Transformative Technology

Technology has become second-nature to us, with map utilities and social media providing a way to easily plot and alter routes. This hasn’t been the case in all motoring industries, such as the lorry driving profession and taxi drivers. This is set to change, however. Tech entrepreneurs such as Bill Busbice Jr have advocated the production of integrated, all-in-one apps that combine multiple functions important to the profession of the owner.

This is giving a new lease of life and helping efficiency in the HGV industry, where demand is up again on last year.


Probably the hottest topic in motoring. Automation is controversial, given the stereotype that self-driving cars labour under. Furthermore, some – including lorry drivers – are concerned at the threat of job replacement. That being said, automated vehicles are bringing huge savings for companies already across the water – so much so that 70% of Americans fear job loss from self-operating machines.

Over here, we’re nowhere near as far forward as the government and local authorities are a little more reticent to let cars out on the road immediately. That being said, automation is more than likely to start making headway, especially with the thirst of companies like Uber to get on the road.

Digital Manufacturing

Digital manufacturing is starting to become a huge business. So much so that SMMT have devoted webspace to digital manufacturing and its effects. A digital factory is essentially a fully integrated production line in which gathered data, parts production and assembly are seamlessly put together. This means cars and parts leaving the factory line in a state that can interact with the digital world.

These factory ideas allow for maximum flexibility and the introduction of new technology into vehicle production without the lengthy design process. This allows manufacturers to implement things like cutting edge audio technology into their designs without disrupting the production flow.

Technology is transforming many aspects of our lives and the car industry is no different. The good news is that consumers are benefiting already; big business is changing quickly, too, to make sure they keep up with the pace of change.

Author: admin

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